Saturday, August 15, 2015


I need to put together a first chapter for the historical fiction piece I want to start in a month or so, and I need to run through the edits on the revised first draft of the beach read. I need these two things and I need the time to make them happen. I can feel it coming with Summer winding down and I am scared and excited to be in that state of desperation, because I want my wheels spinning before they hit the ground.

I am starting to romance coffee again, and I want short hair. I am all sorts of in between and transitional. There are too many things going on and I am easily obsessed at the moment, so I am just going to list to get it out, in hopes that I can get back to one of two first chapters.

Current obessions:
1. Party Down: The cast, the jokes, the single camera set-up that makes me feel like the first time I watched The Office or Parks and Rec (which I want to watch all over again since obsessing over #2 on the list).

2. Amy Poehler's Yes Please: The thoughts on parenting and change and age and apologies. The way she describes her problem with sleep with such delicate and empathetic comedy that this kindred insomniac laughed and cried and wanted to read it all over again.

3. Play it Again, Dick: A second chance at experiencing a new and sardonic world of Veronica Mars. Enough said.

4. The Nutri Ninja: Because I love smoothies. Liquid nutrition, yum.

5. Comic books: It's general and it's not new, but it has been 7 or 8 years since I really knew what I was doing in a comic book store. I just picked up Carol Corps and Phonogram and the Spidergirl title that was so popular in the mid 2000s. I am utterly tickled by the return of comics to my life. 

6. Running: That obsession never ended, but I think I may finally be healing enough to make it regular for the first time in a year. September starts training for another half marathon. I like being the insane person who has to run at least 15 miles a week. I like putting sneakers on while my eyes are half-closed and forcing myself to move until it is all I want to do. Something about running makes me feel like a kid again. I like that. I want that forever.

7. Moonrise Kingdom: Finally saw it, and it was perfection. We celebrated 9 years of marriage yesterday, and it was good. We ate an obnoxious amount of fried potatoes, got a little tipsy on good beers, and spent an hour playing Galaga and Ghost Squad. Then we came home and watched Moonrise Kingdom for the first time, over honey bourbon and lemon juice, and we laughed and we cried and everything was perfect.

That's it. Hopefully that exercise helps me get some stuff done. Or I'm just going to watch Party Down until I feel fully hydrated and maybe take one more nap before I pick the kiddo up from her sleepover.

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